[('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http')('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('', 'http'), ('')]
JavaScript - Satr ma'lum belgilar bilan boshlanishi va tugashini tekshiring
Python - Raqamning ijobiy, salbiy yoki 0 ekanligini tekshiring
Linux - anc-api-tools qanday o'rnatiladi
Java - Raqamni teskari aylantirish
Linux - curvedns qanday o'rnatiladi
C - Dinamik xotira ajratish yordamida eng katta raqamni toping
JavaScript - Satrdagi unlilar sonini hisoblang
Kotlin - Sonning faktorialini toping
C++ - Raqam tub yoki oddiy emasligini tekshiring
C++ - Ikkilik sonni oʻnlik songa va aksincha oʻzgartiring
Kotlin - Raqamni n o‘nlik kasrgacha yaxlitlash
Kotlin - Raqamning kuchini hisoblang
Kotlin - Joriy sana/vaqtni oling
C - Butun sondagi raqamlar sonini sanash
Java - Piramida va naqsh yarating
Linux - zlib1g-dev qanday o'rnatiladi
Kotlin - Raqam juft yoki toq ekanligini tekshiring
Kotlin - Natural sonlar yig‘indisini hisoblang
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